
Gurgaon Foodie is a community of 60,000+ odd members who regularly meet and interact on https://www.facebook.com/groups/GurgaonFoodie/ . The website is a resource to a community of ardent foodies from Gurgaon, Faridabad, Delhi and NOIDA who constantly seek new food adventures for all things to do with food, drink and eating out, and living healthy. The content is tailor-made for foodies connected to Gurgaon, whether they are in the city or anywhere in the world. As the saying goes, you can take a Gurgaon Foodie out of Gurgaon but you cannot take a Gurgaon out of a Gurgaon Foodie.

Among the various sections on the website you will find the most honest and forthright restaurant reviews in Gurgaon, Delhi and all over Indian for the travelling Gurgaon Foodie and Gurgaon Foodie at home. Plus you will find lists of the best places to visit. Plus recipes, and all the news about the latest going ons in the world of food and drink. So jump right in – and discover the most comprehensive resource about everything you as a Gurgaon Foodie will need to know.

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