The Gurgaon Foodie are going to be the most honest and transparent awards ever conducted. No jury to be influenced. No sponsors to compromise on objectivity. No free lunches/dinners for everyone.
Very simple. The admins of Gurgaon Foodie group, after a lot of thought and care and lots of almost fights, have put together a list of shortlisted restaurants, which Gurgaon foodie members can vote for. Whoever gets most votes, wins. The process and the results will be totally transparent. The choice of Gurgaon Foodie members wins.
The nominated contenders will be put up on a micro site as well as the group. For every category, Gurgaon foodie members will vote. Would request you not share the URL with anyone, and request all members’ help to prevent spam voting. In case of any ties in the number of votes, the award will be shared.
The Award Ceremony
This will be open to all Gurgaon foodie members. Like any group event, members, including the winners pay for some good food and good spirits at the normal rates. The winners who attend will be given a print out of an e-certificate while the members cheer for them, and those who cannot attend can be mailed an e-certificate which they can print and display proudly at their restaurant.
So, as you can all see, we are conducting the awards in the true Gurgaon Foodie spirit. NO money is involved at all. And we remain forever, non-commercial.